Are Adele & Sam Smith The Same Person? The Latest Conspiracy Theory

It’s a pretty convincing theory to be honest.

Tom Wood

Sam Smith and Adele are quite similar artists really – they are both British, they both sing sad songs about being broken up with, they’ve both recorded a theme song for a James Bond movie, and the popularity of both of them is a constant source of concern to anyone with even half a musical ear.

Oh, and they also (inexplicably) win loads of awards and sell loads of records. But are they the same person in real life?

They’ve never been spotted together before, and the other day some eagle eyed internet sleuths noticed that Adele wasn’t at the Grammy awards. Surely that can only mean one thing – Adele and Sam Smith are the same person!

Champagne Sappy (@Terpish) said on Twitter: “Anyone notice that Adele isn’t at the Grammys this year? It’s because Adele and Sam Smith are the same person and you’ll never see them both in the same place at the same time.”

Gary Wallace (@gazwallace) is equally as concerned by this, he tweeted:”Has anyone ever seen Sam smith and #Adele in the same room?”

Well now there is finally proof – sort of – that the two are, in fact, one and the same being.

Check this out if you own a record player and an Adele record. Someone slowed down the speed of one of Adele’s hit and – surprise, surprise – it sounds exactly like Sam Smith’s voice.

Don’t believe me? Watch for yourself, it’s uncanny.

We do now, Jesse. We do now.

There are a couple of videos proving that other Adele songs sound exactly like Sam Smith songs if slowed down correctly. Here’s another one, simply called “Example B”.

Did you know that when you slow down Adele it’s actually Sam Smith 

However, this begged the question – If slowed down Adele sounds like Sam Smith, does sped up Sam Smith sound like Adele?

That would surely be positive proof that they are the same being.

Well, this is where there’s a problem, because sped up Sam Smith sounds nothing like Adele. Sorry everyone.

Not to be beaten though, the conspiracy theorists just moved onto another artist.

Basically, sped up Sam Smith is Halsey (whoever that is), Halsey sped up is Justin Bieber, Bieber becomes Selena Gomez (a reach, given that they’ve definitely been pictured together) and then Gomez becomes “an out of tune Mariah Carey”.
