Since its beginning all the way back in the 1990s, Courage The Cowardly Dog has left its fans with mystery and intrigue. The simple plot of an anxious dog trying everything he can to protect his owners against recurring danger is not only wholesomely unique, but it also has proven to be horrifyingly impactful. It’s odd to remember that it is actually marketed as a children’s show, considering how nightmare-inducing it really is. One thing’s for certain, though, this show won’t be leaving the heads of any kid who has watched it even when they’re grown.

With so much terror lurking around every corner and no explanation whatsoever as to what is going on, it’s no surprise that die-hard fans of the series have taken a great deal of time coming up with the most interesting theories. Some might think these theories are a bit of a stretch, but the way that fans analyze and justify their ideas is incredibly convincing. Everyone has their own ideas of the famed cartoon, but these theories might be turning heads.

Updated on June 10th, 2024 by Robbie Robinson: Many kids who grew up watching Courage the Cowardly Dog are still haunted by the twisted plotlines and creepy characters. This is a cartoon show unlike any other. There’s plenty of lore to unpack and discuss. While the show has long since stopped airing, there remains the insatiable drive to understand just what was actually going on. This list has been updated to add a few more theories as well as get the article up to current CBR formatting standards.

Courage The Cowardly Dog Is Based on a True Story

A Rather Eerie True Story At That

Courage The Cowardly Dog and His Owners Are On Their Farmstead

With such a unique premise, it’s only natural to wonder what inspired the series. Many fans actually theorize that Courage The Cowardly Dog is based on the true story of a real elderly couple and their dog. The theory goes that the old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere is a real place in New Mexico, based on this post on Legit. Don’t be fooled – it’s still a spooky tale.

The husband and wife living there were said to have reported many strange incidents, until one day, they suddenly vanished, leaving only their dog. There’s no denying that this story sounds eerily similar to the famed cartoon series, and the old farmhouse even looks near-identical to the one Eustace and Muriel call home. That said, the idea that this couple inspired the cartoon series is highly believable.

Courage The Cowardly Dog Takes Place In The Afterlife

This is By Far the Most Well-Known Theory

Courage is frightened of a giant bug from Courage The Cowardly Dog
Courage screams at a floating realistic head in Courage the Cowardly Dog

One Courage The Cowardly Dog theory surrounding where the series takes place has gained popularity, which states that the series takes place in the afterlife. Courage has already passed away, and all the various monsters he encounters throughout the series are different representations of death that are haunting him.

Before passing, Courage was Muriel and Eustace’s son and believes he’s living with them now as their dog. There isn’t a ton of basis for this theory, other than it’s an explanation as to why Courage The Cowardly Dog’s tone is so creepy that adds more depth to the show. It’s definitely one of the more exciting theories. This theory, however, also makes the already scary cartoon, much scarier.

It’s the Afterlife, But Courage Has Always Lived There

Courage Might Not Actually Be a Real Dog

Goose God looks angrily at Courage standing next to Muriel in Courage the Cowardly Dog

From Adventure Time’s Ice King to The Amazing World of Gumball, Cartoon Network thrives thanks to its chaotic crew of characters.

Like the previous theory, this one places the show in the afterlife. Though in this theory, Courage has always been a part of the afterlife. Instead of having lived a mortal life elsewhere and being sent to the afterlife, this theory suggests that Courage was never a mortal being. In fact, this theory states that none of the characters have ever been mortals.

If Nowhere is the afterlife, the characters should instead be viewed as physical manifestations of things. For example, Muriel represents humanity in its entirety. Courage is Muriel’s protector; AKA, the protector of humanity. Courage’s sole job is to defend humanity from the various hellish monsters that seek chaos. This theory perhaps can also be viewed in the sense that Courage is the last line of defense before monsters can cross out of the afterlife to inflict pain on humans.

Courage’s Perfectionist Teacher Isn’t Real

She’s a Manifestation of His Own Internalized Struggles

The Perfectionist Teacher gives Courage a lesson in Courage the Cowardly Dog

In the episode “Perfect,” Courage is forced to undergo various tests at the hands of a mean and judgmental teacher. Any time he messes up or does something imperfectly, she reminds him of his failures. Her constant criticism wears Courage down until his spirit is nearly broken. Though her domineering presence is felt throughout the episode, many theorize that this teacher in Courage The Cowardly Dog actually isn’t real.

Instead, she’s a reflection of Courage’s own self-doubt and desire to be perfect. Once Courage realizes that he’s perfect just the way he is, this fearsome instructor disappears without a trace. Though it’s never said one way or another if she was really there, the idea that she was all in Courage’s head the whole time makes a lot of sense.

Eustace & Muriel Once Had A Son, But They Lost Him

Courage Became Their New Son to Fill the Hole in Muriel’s Heart

Muriel finds Courage as a baby in Courage the Cowardly Dog

One thing that sticks out early on about the Bagge family is that Eustace and Muriel don’t seem to have any children. Many fans have tried to explain the possible reasons why, and the most popular Courage The Cowardly Dog theory is that they actually did once have a child, a baby boy. However, they ended up losing him one way or another — most fans believe he was taken and eaten by the Cajun Fox.

To fill the void of losing her son, Muriel then adopted Courage. Unfortunately, Eustace was unable to move on from the loss, thus taking his pain and anger out on Courage. Though there’s nothing to really support this theory, it definitely explains why they never had kids, as well as the relationship dynamic between the three main characters.

Freaky Fred Is Muriel and Eustace’s Son

Courage’s Older and More Terrifying Sibling

Freaky Fred sits on a couch with a briefcase in Courage the Cowardly Dog

This theory is in the same realm as the theory that Eustace and Muriel actually do have a son. However, instead of their son being the possible victim of the Cajun Fox, he’s actually as sinister as the rest of the antagonists. While there isn’t a bunch of evidence to back this up, it would explain how Muriel was turning a blind eye to how he treated Courage.

The theory follows that Muriel and Eustace were not fit to raise a child, so Freaky Fred was sent away when he was a baby. Muriel, still weighed down by guilt, can’t bring it in herself to defend Courage from Fred. Defending Courage from Fred would feel like choosing one child over the other, at least in this theory’s case. True or not, it certainly adds a flare to the show.

Everything Is Normal, Courage Just Has An Overactive Imagination

Everything Can Feel Real in a Mind Clouded With Fear

Courage is afraid of the PC monitor from Courage The Cowardly Dog

On the opposite side of the spectrum, like the earlier Afterlife theory, this Courage The Cowardly Dog theory states that everything is normal, and Courage just has an overactive imagination. Eustace and Muriel aren’t afraid of the many monsters they encounter because, in reality, they aren’t actually monsters.

Dogs can get scared or hostile at the smallest things, thinking they’re a threat to them or their family. Courage is a dark and creative way to explore this concept. This theory also explains why Courage is still completely fine, despite everything he’s been through. At the end of the day, Courage might just be an overly attached dog thinking he has the great burden of defending his home and people.

This Show Is Really Just About Mental Health

Fitting to the Show’s Subject Matter, Mental Health Is No Joke

Courage is tied up and surrounded by anthropomorphic eggplants in Courage the Cowardly Dog

This is a theory that really depends on how the viewer chooses to see the show. It does also tie in with the theory that everything is happening inside of Courage’s head. Whether or not this show was written with the intention of making a statement on mental health, it certainly does. This shows most typically themes seen in every episode surround fear and anxiety. Namely, all within Courage.

Courage’s biggest battles are always within himself. Such as, being “courageous” enough to actually overcome something for the sake of Muriel and his home. It would make a lot of sense if this show is really just an amplification of what it can be like to live with severe anxiety and other deep-rooted struggles with mental health.

The Villains Are Targeting Courage For A Nefarious Scheme

A Good Reason as to Why There Are So Many Powerful Villains

In one of the most elaborate analyses of the series, one fan came to the conclusion that the villains have a greater purpose than simply bringing drama to the series. This fan, who looked in-depth into the entire series, picked up on how different the villains are. They are all after Courage, some even wanting Courage’s help in their evil plot. Allegedly, these villains are trying to unleash something within the little pink dog.

The world of Nowhere is full of characters who were pushed by society to become “evil,” and since Courage was abandoned as a baby, he has the potential to become like any of themThe villains in the series see themselves in Courage, and as a result, they’re drawn to him, which is why he deals with so many terrifying encounters. This theory is far-reaching, but it’s well-thought-out. It makes fans rethink a lot about the series they thought they knew.

Courage & His Family Are Living In A Post-Apocalyptic World

Nowhere Looks Like an Apocalyptic Wasteland

Courage Eustace and Muriel fix their tv in Courage the Cowardly Dog

Some fans come up with the most creative theories, but one Courage The Cowardly Dog theory stands out because of how much it actually makes sense. One fan shared their view that the setting for the show is actually taking place in a post-apocalyptic future where the world was ravaged after a nuclear fallout.

The monsters and aliens are really mutated creatures that survived, and the UFOs are just sports model hovercrafts for those who survived. Muriel and Eustace are normal human beings because they are protected by a military vault from radiation, and Courage continues to protect them from any threats. It’s a little bit of a stretch for the cartoon for sure, but with how outlandish the show is, it’s not really that unbelievable. Moreover, it would establish Courage as one of the best cartoon pets on television, doing anything to keep his owners from harm.