Actress Kristen Stewart and her fiancee, screenwriter Dylan Meyer, are freezing their eggs so they can have children in the future.

The information was revealed by her in the Not Skinny But Not Fat podcast on March 26. The “Twilight” star said she and Meyer both want to have a baby when the time is right. Since the beginning of this year, the two have frankly shared this and discussed the form of pregnancy and each other’s ability to carry the embryo. Kristen and Meyer have both completed the egg freezing procedure, ensuring they will have children in the future.

Kristen Stewart and her fiance are not the only celebrities to choose egg freezing. Previously, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, and Sofia Vergara also made this decision.

Egg freezing is a method used to preserve a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Eggs taken from the ovaries will be frozen and stored for a long time. When necessary, they will be thawed, artificially inseminated with sperm to form embryos and implanted into the pregnant woman’s uterus.

The entire egg freezing process lasts two to three weeks. Most cycles are completed in less than two weeks. Ovarian stimulation of egg production is calculated according to the woman’s menstrual cycle to ensure optimal results. During this process, the ovaries are carefully monitored using ultrasounds and blood tests to check hormone levels.

Depending on their doctors’ recommendations and their current menstrual cycle, egg-freezers can start the process by taking birth control pills or estrogen pills that help synchronize the follicles, so they respond to the medication. stimulate eggs in a similar way.

After 5 to 7 days of taking the drug, the woman’s ovaries begin to enlarge. During this period, they are often recommended not to do strenuous activities, limit running, jumping or vigorous exercise.

Once there are enough follicles, the doctor will begin to remove eggs from the body. The woman was injected with a sedative. The doctor uses a needle to aspirate through the vagina to reach the egg. The more eggs you collect, the higher your chances of giving birth in the future.

As soon as they leave the body, the eggs are quickly frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius. The current popular method is vitrification, which helps prevent the formation of ice crystals during the process. Frozen.

There are many reasons for women to consider freezing, but the most common reasons are to delay conception, preserve fertility or donate eggs.

Many people choose to have children late to pursue their careers, especially in their 20s and early 30s. Freezing eggs at a young age will improve the odds of successful conception. In addition, patients with serious health complications, undergoing cancer treatment or suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome, which affects the reproductive process, are also encouraged to freeze their eggs.

Most patients only feel discomfort during egg injection and immediately after egg retrieval. However, this process still has some risks. Some people may experience ovarian hyperstimulation, which occurs when fertility drugs increase hormone levels, causing the ovaries to enlarge and leak fluid into the abdomen.

According to research, people under 35 are more likely to experience this side effect.