In an interview after receiving the Oscar, actress Jennifer Lawrence explained about the incident of falling on stage. Jennifer said: “That incident? Oh, I don’t know what to say. I wear a pretty elaborate dress and I try to look as perfect as possible when I go on stage. But I kept feeling like I was walking on a slippery floor covered in petroleum jelly and something happened. I’m really embarrassed.”

For netizens, this is not the first time a beauty born in 1990 has had trouble because of her outfit. During the awards ceremony of the American Society of Screen Actors (SAG) in Los Angles, Jennifer Lawrence had her dress fall off when she received the award. This incident of hers at that time became the highlight of the newspapers. Many opinions say that Jennifer is quite “unlucky” with big events when she constantly encounters embarrassing incidents.

Jennifer Lawrence is currently Hollywood’s most popular actress. During the televised event after the Oscars, Jennifer was also openly flirted with by veteran actor Jack Nicholson. The 75-year-old artist said: “Oh, you really look like my ex. You were amazing. I don’t want to interrupt the interview but you’re really great. Congratulations.” Jennifer seemed extremely surprised by the veteran actress’s praise.