Japanese magazine posted that Miki Ando is probably has a relationships with her student.

original source: news.yahoo.co.jp dd. 26th June 2024

On June 22nd, Weekly Bunshun captured former figure skater and current coach Ando Miki (36) and her student, 16-year-old figure skater, enjoying a date while holding hands at Universal Studios Japan (USJ) in Osaka. Here’s a translation of the article posted on Yahoo Japan.

“According to the insider, this 16-year-old skater “is a promising junior skater, having won first place at national competitions during his junior high school years. However, his emotions fluctuated greatly, which reflected in his performance. When he was doing well, he would skate flawlessly, but when he was not, he would make mistakes in all aspects. He was receiving instruction at a club coached by Yuko Monna, who was Ando’s coach, and there he met Ando, who would occasionally come to provide instruction and he approached her about being his coach.”

However, some have pointed out the following about the team of a coach and her student, “Their relationship is so close that other athletes don’t know where to look in the waiting room. Even on the airplane for their travels, they were snuggly without caring about who was watching,” a figure skating insider reported. The two “may have a relationship that is even more intimate than that of a coach and skater.”

So what is the real relationship between the two? Weekly Bunshun held an investigation and spotted them on a date. The two walked hand in hand, arms around each other’s waist.

The previous evening, Ando and her student arrived by car driven by his mother, to take part in the selection process for athletes to be sent overseas for training. After finishing practice at the rink, the three of them went for dinner and stayed not at the hotel next to the rink where many athletes and staff were staying.

The next day, he participated in the selection session in the afternoon. After he finished his performance, he and Ando got into the car his mother had come to pick them up in, and headed for USJ. The three of them, Ando, her student and his mother, walked to the entrance gate under the gray sky where rain had just started to fall, Ando and her student, who did not bring umbrellas, were walking straight, their arms around each other’s waists.

As his mother moves away to the ticket counter, Ando and her student immediately hold hands, and walk while swinging their hands happily back and forth. Given that both are wearing black masks, it would be difficult for those around them to notice the 20-year age difference between them.”

Source: https://fs-gossips.com/12480/