Her fans were frothing at the mouth with frenzied excitement at this double whammy of wellness excitement. Jam!!! Dog treats!!!!

MUCH like her acting, nothing Meghan does is unscripted.

Her decision, then, to announce the launch of her latest pet project — dog treats — hours before Kate’s brave return to public duty was, at best, ill-timed.

Meghan's decision to launch her latest pet project — dog treats — hours before Kate’s brave return to public duty was, at best, ill-timed - at worst, pretty callous
Meghan’s decision to launch her latest pet project — dog treats — hours before Kate’s brave return to public duty was, at best, ill-timed – at worst, pretty callousCredit: Rex
Time and time again, then, Meghan rubs people up the wrong way — for example, dog biscuit-gate — and whines that people hate her and have an agenda
Time and time again, then, Meghan rubs people up the wrong way — for example, dog biscuit-gate — and whines that people hate her and have an agendaCredit: Rex

At worst, pretty callous.

Was it deliberate? A heady bid to push her new product line and cynically upstage her sister-in-law?

Or, simply, a well-meaning gift to a few close friends, one of whom so happened to go on Instagram and plug the stuff?

Only Meghan and her harem of PR advisers know.

But what is certain is that the move seemingly reinforces the actress’s unfortunate reputation of that of a grifter.

(Uncannily, it comes exactly a year to the day that the boss of her former employer at Spotify labelled the Duke and Duchess of Sussex as “grifters” following their doomed £15million podcast deal.)

Einstein’s definition of madness is doing the same thing time and time again and expecting a different result.

Time and time again, then, Meghan rubs people up the wrong way — for example, dog biscuit-gate — and whines that people hate her and have an agenda.

They don’t.

In this instance, they just wanted poor Kate, undergoing brutal chemotherapy sessions, to get her moment in lights at Trooping The Colour when she’s doing so much to inspire the nation and those similarly afflicted with cancer. Was that too much to ask?

To recap, this is all part of the breathless PR campaign behind Meghan’s latest money-making venture, American Riviera Orchard.

The fledgling lifestyle brand, which she’s been quietly working on behind the scenes for the past year, is currently undergoing a “soft launch”.

That’s to say, she — or, rather, her well-paid publicity team — are sending gift packages to her close friends, conveniently those with a heavy social media presence, to plug her products.

Mass hysteria

First came the strawberry jam.

Cutely packaged in nice, branded little jars and personalised with Meghan’s delightful cursive script, 50 jars were duly boxed up and dispatched to her pals, who dutifully posted them online.

And, of course, waxed lyrical about the jammy contents.

A PR masterstroke.

Her fans were frothing at the mouth with frenzied excitement at this double whammy of wellness excitement. Jam!!! Dog treats!!!!

Then on Saturday, as Kate was stoically putting her game face on and preparing to face the world’s media for the first time in weeks — and the pages and pages of scrutiny and online scrutiny this would entail — Meg’s polo-playing mate, Nacho Figueras, popped up on Instagram with a cutesy little pic of his dog beside his new (presumably organic) treats.

Plus a new flavour of jam (raspberry, for those interested).

Cue mass hysteria about Meghan.

Her fans were frothing at the mouth with frenzied excitement at this double whammy of wellness excitement. Jam!!! Dog treats!!!!

Good ol’ Meg, forging her own career path, away from the “decrepit” and “racist behemoth” that is the Royal Family.

(For the record, I do think it’s a great thing that she’s launching her own business, and, frankly, all power to her for it.)

Yet the timing of the move smacked of someone bitter they hadn’t been invited, for the second year running, to Trooping The Colour and all the pageantry — which those Americans love and crave — that it entails.

Would it have killed Meg and co to hold off a few days? No.

In short, for a woman seemingly desperate to shed her opportunistic tag, the scheduling sucks.

It really does take the (dog) biscuit.

Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28560213/meghan-dog-treats-launch-princess-kate-return/