I look around at my home gym and remember all the break downs I had here. All the gym sessions I had to push through because life was hard and I somehow continued making it harder. From the outside looking in, I can see how I’ve been a victim in my own life. One of the hardest concepts in life that I’ve had to push through.. is realizing people have their own way of thinking and it doesn’t make any of us right, or wrong. Some people experience more failure in life because of the risks they take on themselves. Other people are content with what they have and it would pain them to place themselves outside of the box. Other people may just naturally have money and to other people maybe it doesn’t make any sense. However people live… it’s not really our place to judge. We can excuse ourselves from energy and behavior that doesn’t fit with who we are, or want to be, but wanting to change people only leads to lost hope and wasted time.

“Be grateful for what you have,” they say. Very few know what it’s like to fight for your life, or others lives as if life is this very thin rope and it’s up to you to get to the other side and bring others along with you. If you don’t, you’re a failure. What if I’m grateful, but just want more?

Gratitude is a beautiful thing… in a world where being content is seen as being grateful.

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