Miranda Cohen is often vocal about her fitness journey and the insecurities that she is often geared up with. She never shies away to portray her true self to her 4.5 Million followers who have high regard for her. Having fought her way through adversities, the 27-year-old now gives her followers a perspective of her entire fitness journey.

The fitness icon has completed 8 years after resolving to maintain her health. She now opens up that the failures she faced in her journey towards health and well-being have only instilled a value of never giving up on adversities. In an elaborate post on Instagram, Cohen becomes emotional about reaping the results of her hard work.

Miranda Cohen’s inspiring post

Speaking about her path towards fitness and the way she has learned lessons from the obstacles she faced, Cohen shared a post on her social media account. “Don’t forget .. I do this sh*t, respectfully. I did this 8 years ago with my 3 am workouts in the gym during college trying to find a purpose to get through my stressful life, ” she writes reflecting on the instance she decided to unravel her passion. 

And she now realizes that the consistency with which she led the journey turned it into a fruitful one. She admits humbly, “The failures and adversity I have faced have shaped and helped mold me into someone that will never ever give up no matter what gets thrown my way., ” She accepts that there would be bad days and moments of teary eyes but she always came out of the emotional crisis 10x stronger and resolved. 

Cohen opens up with her fans on Instagram saying that she found a way to move forward in the journey she embraced long ago. “But guess what? I found a way, my way, and want to know what that way is? Staying true to myself,” writes Cohen.

She emphasizes the value of honesty which brought her so far and vows to never compromise on it. Cohen also stresses the fact that hard work will determine the life one leads. The social media star writes in the post, “You can either do the work or feel sorry for yourself like everyone else. You are the deciding factor with how YOU get to spend your life. “ 

The late twenties fitness freak suffered a major health crisis once. She had to consider open heart surgery but with her resolve to work toward health, the legendary woman now leads a life of fitness. ”When you learn true resilience and never let failing change who you are … the world is yours,” is what she believes in life that has made her attract the life she aspired for. Cohen ended the post by writing, ”Thank you for believing in me. It’s time to show myself and the world what I can

Cohen’s words have the essence to change one’s attitude toward life and can be reflected. Keeping aside insecurities about how her eyes look and having been trolled for the same, Miranda Cohen focuses on positivity for growth in life. Did the post find you at the right time and boost your spirits? Let us know in the comments below!