Miyazaki States that From Software’s Team is Behind the Idea of a PC Bloodborne Port

In news that we’re sure excites every corner of video game social media acclaimed director for From Software’s insanely popular Souls series (including Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Elden Ring, and Bloodborne) Hidetaka Miyazaki recently did an interview with PCGamer where he confirmed that, yes, many developers at From Software would absolutely love to have a PC port for Bloodborne one of the most critically acclaimed games, if not the most critically acclaimed game, of From Soft’s library but one that has been tragically stuck on the Playstation 4 ever since its release in 2015.

“I know for a fact these guys want a Bloodborne PC port,” Miyazaki said, referring to FromSoftware producer Yasuhiro Kitao and interpreter Bobby Simpson seated at the conference table near him. “If I say I want one, I’ll get in trouble as well. But it’s nothing I’m opposed to.”

As stated, Bloodborne has been locked to the Playstation 4 since its release. It’s even a bit of an inside joke that many gamers refer to the Playstation 4 as “the Bloodborne Machine”. No doubt Sony is well aware of what a goldmine they are sitting on in regards to Bloodborne’s popularity, so it is a big surprise that they have yet to port it over to the next gen Playstation 5 and, with the gen slowly coming to an end, it looks like it’ll never hit the modern system.

Obviously, as one of the creators of Bloodborne, my personal, pure honest opinion is I’d love more players to be able to enjoy it. Especially as a game that is now coming of age, one of those games of the past that gets lost on older hardware—I think any game like that, it’d be nice to have an opportunity for more players to be able to experience that and relive this relic of the past. So as far as I’m concerned, that’s definitely not something I’d be opposed to.

A PC port, on the other hand, is something that From Software would no doubt love to have. Bloodborne has only grown in popularity since its release, and the PC playerbase is ever loyal to From Software so a port there would be guaranteed sales, but again, Sony would likely want to sit on their golden goose for as long as they can, so it’s really up to them to see if the hopes of Fromsoft’s development team, as well as players all around the world, ever get to see their (Hunter’s) dreams fulfilled.