You all get my updates as no one that I personally know, knows that I’m on carnivore.

I didn’t wanna hear it

My 30 (32 technically) days of carnivore as an elimination diet.

I still haven’t weighed but I’m happy with results.

My mental health has improved so much.

I don’t crave sweets.

I crave meat. I did experience the meat aversions.

I feel energized.

I feel rested even when I wake up earlier than normal on weekends and can’t go back to sleep.

My joint pain is gone.

All of my skin rashes went away. I did have a rash pop up on the inside of my arm over the weekend so I gotta figure out what is still somewhat a trigger for me.

I have noticed I like food at restaurants even without the seasoning and oil.

I can tell when they use something that triggers me; instant fatigue and bloating.

Maybe one day I’ll weigh but for now, I like these results just the same.

All carnivore newbies, this 30 days flew by and wasn’t terrible. I’ve really enjoyed it. TAKE THE PHOTOS! I can’t believe the difference and the photos help you compare when the scale doesn’t.

Keep going and let’s hold each other accountable!