While the film industry considers the reverse kiss in “Spider-Man” (2002) to be historic, insiders say this is not an easy experience.

According to Variety, the scene where Mary (Kirsten Dunst) actively pulls off her mask and kisses Peter Parker’s Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) after being rescued by him is one of the most famous kisses in cinema history. However, many times Maguire said that the experience of the reverse kiss in Spider-Man (2002) was not as good as many people thought.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the original Spider-Man movie, the 46-year-old actor recalled the historic kiss of cinema. “After Kirsten pulled down the mask, my airway was completely blocked. The rain kept pouring down my nose. So I couldn’t breathe,” the actor recalled.

When Kirsten kissed him, he was completely suffocated. The actor was forced to breathe quickly and heavily from his mouth to quickly end the kiss.

“It was very difficult and really challenging. When they shouted ‘Cut’, I gasped and almost stopped breathing. It was torture. It made me realize how important oxygen is,” he added.

Tobey Maguire is the star who took on the main role in the original Spider-Man movie and created a famous movie franchise for Sony. In the movie, Kirsten Dunst takes on the role of Spider-Man’s girlfriend. After the 2002 film, the duo appeared in two Spider-Man films in 2004 and 2007. The films were both box office successes.

In 2021, Tobey Maguire returns to his signature role with Andrew Garfield and current Spider-Man – Tom Holland in the blockbuster Spider-Man: No Way Home. The work was a box office success, earning nearly 1.9 billion USD globally.

In a Deadline interview, the trio of actors discussed the future of the series. In it, Andrew Garfield said he was looking forward to Maguire’s return after receiving an invitation from Marvel to return.

“I don’t know if Tobey will accept. If Tobey does, then I have no choice but to show up. I follow Tobey to the ends of the Earth. I’m his biggest fan.” , said Andrew Garfield.