Charlie Eaton always struggled with her weight, even from a young age. But as the years went on and health issues arose, she found herself “past the point of no return” – until she proved doctors wrong

A woman who could only fit in men’s 8XL clothes revealed her extreme weight loss transformation.

Charlie Eaton, 39, has spent most of her life overweight because she “just loved food”. No matter how much she dieted, the Derby native just couldn’t keep the pounds off.

However, nine years ago in 2015, things became even more difficult for Charlie and her weight control as she dislocated her knee at 17st. Unfortunately, this left her bed-bound and “barely able to move” for six months.

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During this period of time, Charlie heavily relied on takeaways to feed herself and guzzled up to three litres of full-fat Coke each day. Not before long, Charlie’s weight ballooned to 23st 8.5lbs – the heaviest she had been.

Charlie was told she was “past the point of no return” with her weight (Image: Courtesy Charlie Eaton / SWNS)

Already in the largest women’s size available – a size 34 – Charlie found that waistbands were beginning to become incredibly tight on her. So, she had to resort to buying XXXXXXXXL (8XL) clothes from the men’s section.

At this point, Charlie admitted that she “gave up” losing weight altogether and accepted her reality. However, a dietician dished out some stern words to her and warned her that she would most likely need surgery as she was “past the point of no return.”

But, refusing to accept her fate, Charlie joined Slimming World six years ago in hopes she could prove the dietician wrong in a “last ditch effort” to lose the weight and start living life once again.

Now, nearly six years on, the super slimmer looks totally unrecognisable at a size 8-10 after having lost an impressive 13st 8.5lbs in total.

A much slimmer Charlie in her old 8XL trousers (Image: Charlie Eaton / SWNS)

Charlie, who is now a Slimming World consultant, says her weight loss has “changed everything” in her life.

Speaking of her weight loss journey, she shared: “I was always overweight growing up. I’d diet for a bit, lose some weight, then I’d give up and put it back on again.

“It got to the point I was just existing rather than living. I just stopped trying.

“Then when a doctor tried to book me in for a gastric sleeve, I realised it was this or nothing. To lose over half my body weight was never even a possibility in my mind.

“Now I’ve lost the weight I think my brain is still trying to catch up – when I walk past a mirror I don’t even recognise myself.”

She felt like she was only “existing” not living (Image: Courtesy Charlie Eaton / SWNS)

Looking back to when she was younger, she recognises she always had a big appetite and found that she would easily gain weight.

But, those around her said it was “just puppy fat”. Though, Charlie still struggled when she went to university thanks to the drinking culture. This made her weight fluctuate between 14st and 17st.

Fed-up of her weight and how she felt because of it, she tried various ‘weight-loss’ techniques that failed to work in the long-run for Charlie. From cabbage soup diets to calorie counting and even diet pills, the strategies proved unsuccessful.

Following university, Charlie was struggling with chronic pain which later was discovered to be Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (hEDS) and multiple sclerosis (MS). Then, after her knee dislocation, her weight rocketed to over 23st.

Charlie quit her job running a furniture company due to her severe pain. At this point, and at her heaviest, she felt like she was “existing rather than living.”

She’s turned her life around! (Image: Courtesy Charlie Eaton / SWNS)

She explained: “I was just existing rather than living. I got to the stage where I thought ‘I can’t lose weight, so why try?’ I gave up the diets altogether.”

It wasn’t until she had to buy size 8XL clothing from specific websites for large men, along with the stark warning from her doctor, that gave Charlie the fuel she needed to lose weight.

In her head, it was either go under the knife or lose weight – and she chose the latter. “Three days later I walked through the doors of my local Slimming World group,” she shared. “I thought I’d give it one last ditch effort.”

After starting her weight loss journey in April 2018, Charlie ditched her much-loved full-fat fizzy drinks for diet versions, chose low-fat foods in the supermarket, and her takeaways quickly were replaced by ‘fakeaways.’

Last year, Charlie flew to Turkey to get a £9,500 tummy tuck, boob job and excess skin removal surgery. But, she’s currently raising the funds to go for a final operation to remove thee last of her loose skin.

She’s more confident than ever and no longer ashamed of how she looks. Not only does Charlie feel better physically, but mentally too.

She’s proud of what she’s achieved! (Image: Charlie Eaton / SWNS)

Looking back on her journey, Charlie expressed: “Before, I just didn’t look in the mirror. I didn’t even own one apart from a small face height one in the bathroom.

“I wouldn’t even glance in shop windows in case I saw my reflection. Whenever I used to take pictures, I’d be behind the camera and I’d avoid ever being in pictures.

“Now I love a selfie with my niece and nephew – I’m taking pictures constantly. Before, I’d go out thinking everyone was judging me because I was ashamed of how I looked. I feel lighter now, but not just physically, mentally too.

“I’m not worrying about what everyone else thinks. I feel so much more confident in myself – losing weight has changed everything about my life.”

Charlie is raising money for more skin removal surgery to finish her transformation, it can be found here.