Despite being the world’s tallest dog, Kevin is a gentle soul who has been known to crouch down to the level of smaller pups in a bid to not seem intimidating to them

He had big shoes to fill

He had big shoes to fill (Image: Guinness World Records)

The world’s tallest dog has officially been crowned – and he’s named after a famous film character.

Big fella Kevin laid claim to the lauded title on March 20 and has now been officially crowned by Guinness World Records. Hailing from West Des Moines, Iowa, the three-year-old tank is proudly owned by Tracy, Roger, Alexander, and Ava Wolfe.

Kevin is part of a sizeable pack, also living with three dogs and four cats as well as chickens, goats and horses. According to the renowned record keepers he is best pals with Tuck the Decker Rat Terrier, whose breed tends to only weigh between four and 11kg.

The family hadn’t been planning to get another great dane after Kevin’s predecessor passed away, but when a pal told them about a newly-born litter they couldn’t resist. The name for the future king came to them while they were sitting down watching family Christmas classic Home Alone, where eight-year-old Kevin successfully defends his home from persistent burglars.

Tracy explained that the mammoth grew fast – “not out, but up” with everyone sure that he was one of the biggest dogs everyone had seen by the time he was one year old.

Tracy said that Kevin is “the epitome of a gentle giant,” adding that, “In fact, he is scared of most things. He is terrified of the vacuum. He won’t let it come within six feet of him! He will jump and run to get away from it.”

He just grew 'up'

He just grew ‘up’ (Image: Guinness World Records)

Apparently big Kev can sometimes make other pups nervous due to his remarkable stature, but he is lovely and gentle with them regardless, crouching and crawling on occasion to bring himself down to their level.

Tracy said that while he and the whole family are all besotted with one another, 12-year-old Alexander, has a particularly strong bond and “they have been pals since the start! They lay together on ‘Kevin’s couch’ many evenings.”